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Landustrie BV


Landustrie BV is a manufacturer of clean and wastewater pumps with over 100 years of experience. For wastewater treatment, the Landustrie BV offers a wide range of products that are of high quality, simplicity and longevity.

LANDY pumps are low-maintenance pumps with low maintenance costs. They are reliable, durable and fit your requirements. Depending on the application, LANDY pumps are made of cast iron, Duplex or NiHard 4. In general, cast iron is suitable for most purposes, Duplex is used in chemical and abrasive contaminated water, and Nihard4 for highly abrasive wastewater. The modular design of the LANDY pumps makes it possible to manufacture pumps of various materials and in various combinations.

All products are manufactured at the factory in Sneek / The Netherlands and are hydraulically tested before shipment. Landustrie provides a certified test certificate. Each pump is assigned an individual serial number and a test curve graph.

The Landustrie “be simpler” philosophy is used in the LANDY-SEL pump selection program. Using a clear interface with basic questions, the program leads you to a better solution. It provides a calculation of the pipeline and friction losses along with all the technical data for all models.

Landustrie products are certified in accordance with ISO 9001, EN-ISO 3834-2, ATEX and VCA ** (Safety Checklist Contractors). All products are manufactured in accordance with European standards such as Machinery Directive, Low Voltage Directive and EMC Directive.


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Our Address:
Fama tn 10, Narva linn
Ida-Viru maakond, 20303 Estonia